Thursday, April 25, 2013

1st Reliably Tracing My Ancestry back 3,000 Or So I Wished traces Queen Elizabeth II’s ancestry back to Alfred the Great.  Alfred the Great saw about the creation of the Anglo Saxon Chronicle where he traced his lineage to Woden/Odin.  Odin is thus a person, and his lineage is traced in the Icelandic Langfedgatal to Memnon.  Memnon is known to be a person among the Greeks and Trojans, and this lineage is traceable to the Royal House of Troy, which Dardanus founded and in 1 Maccabees 12 this lineage is said to be the brethren of the Jews.

This shows that Queen Elizabeth II and I are cousins:

This show the lineage that connects my lineage to both Queen Elizabeth II and takes it back to Alfred the Great:

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