Saturday, December 15, 2012

12th Zerah: 15 Reasons to believe Milesians were a Priestly caste of converts from Edom

Regarding the “late fictitious genealogy” (Hoeh) with respect to the Milesians and Magog, a nation of Japheth, the existence of this genealogy is the reason that the Milesians are often not listed as being Semites in genealogies.  Magog was among the Semites, “in the tents” as it is written, but the Milesians were Semites, themselves.  There is strong reason to believe that the “late fictitious genealogy” is a deduction of the Christian work, “Revelation,” where Magog is reasonably placed at one of the corners of the earth with respect to their gathering for Armageddon, as Ireland is one of the 4 corners of the earth.  I was unable to find a work that said all Scythians were of Magog.  Thus, it is likely that some people Scythia, specifically the Milesians where not of the nation of Japheth

1.   An ancestral connection of the Semites to Milesius (Miledh) is made by Eber (Eibher) Scot of Scythia.  Eber means Hebrew.  Also, note the similarity between the words Scythia and Scot.
      2.  The connection is also made through the Iberia, which also stems from the word Eber, as in the Iberian Peninsula, which is Europe.
      3.    Following the migration route and a genealogy of Irish kings, Ethan the Ezrahite, son of Zerah who was a Hebrew was associable with the priesthood (Cohenim) in Persia.
      4.    Ireland and Scotland are essentially the ends of the earth, and thus places Israelites are likely to be found.  Search “end of the earth” in Tanach for more.
      5.    Psalm 89 associates Hermon (Heremon), the descendent of Ethan the Ezrahite with the House of David, which the Irish Poem of Leinster records, where Hermon and Q. Tea Tephi, the daughter of Zedekiah became the ancestors of Irish nobles, and Psalm 133 records the ascendency of these nobles.  This is also evidence of a migration from Persia to Ireland, associable with the Milesians.
      6.   Psalm 133 also associates Hermon with Aaron, and thus Hermon is a priest and king, continuing the priestly line that began with the Persian empire.  See #3.
      7.   Plenty of sources indicate that it has not been until recent generations that the Scots have been consumers of pork, indicating observance of Jewish laws.
      8.    That the Scottish highlanders are often considered to be as ruffians also traces them to Edom, specifically, Zerah, son of Reuel son of Esau and Basemath daughter of Ishmael.
      9.    The observance of Jewish laws and earmarks of the Edomites, further suggests that this group is in Scotland is the Zerahites.
      10.  Also, the lion used by Scottish nobility is a continuation of fact that the Milesians used a shield with 3 lions to designate nobility, where such practice of using lions as symbols is also associable with the tribe of Judah.
      11.   The Milesians used a Crimson Branch as symbolism for the Milesian Royal House, also identifying them with the scarlet thread of the Zerahites.
      12.  The Scottish highlands are not densely populated (survival off the land is possible) and have historically been a place where property is minimal, which is also associable with the activity of Levites.
      13.  The Milesian Royal House is not as white skinned as Magog among them.  The Milesian Royal house has some red/brown skin tones, indicating that they are Semites.
      14.  That the Scots have been technological innovators indicates that Azariah, a priestly Zerahite, and name in Milesian ancestries was among them.
      15.  Azariah son of Ethan son of Zerah is in the these genealogies (Hoeh), which First Chronicles says would make some of them priestly.

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